OK kids well i have to say that i think today is turning out to be one of the best days EVAR! here are the reasons in no particular order
1) I have a serious buyer for my car and it might be sold tomorrow YAY!
2) I just got all my books for auto class in today! I paid 60 instead of 100 and they said they were USED and i got them all BRAND SPANKING NEW BOOKS NEW!
3) No morning Math class! it was great i actually got to sleep in!
4) Josh is gettin his car back today!
5) I had an Eggo!
6) I helped my Grandma clean house and i always feel better when i'm helping people!
7) i gave the dog a quick bath! well more like i corner'd her and sprayed her with water
8) There is not a huge amount of pollen on my car
9) I have won 20 straight games of starcraft!
10) I'm alive, breathing, and over all happy with who i am and who my friends are!
This has been a JM message.
*I have to say i'm glad where this car club is going, we have seemed to have persevered thru the hard times and stayed a strong crew! i want to say that i'm thankful that we have such a good crew of people! This has turned out better than i ever could have thought! you guys are great and i hope to spend many many more months / years with you! We started out weak but we have found our Niche in the import scene, i'm proud of all of you! You've all done a great job working on your cars, trying to speak out and helping all of us get known in the ATL area. GOOD JOB GUYS AND KEEP IT UP!
Pilot of the Touge Tickler
Prince of all that is NISMO
hate to rain on ur parade, but, in starcraft, thats prolly one game i can own you in, ive been playin it since i was soo little i had nightmares when i played it (8)