or keep current. these are the two that seem to be the toss up. we need to go ahead and decide on this, so the poll will close as of thursday. we will take the votes counted and go from there. thanks.
-fluffy out!
-- Edited by COLLINS at 21:17, 2005-06-05
i miss james's penis! the best dick i ever ate! some give it to me quick, but wait i can't have it, cause i've got my sisters dick in my mouth
how about keeping the logo we have now...shrink the height a little n give it a little stretch on both the banners and decals n have an outline in different colors? i know i just posted pretty much the same thing but it seems vu's design is more widely chosen.
see the problem with all these ideas is money. it would cost us out the Ass to get a different size sticker per car. and to get a different color/outlined sticker per car. I mean, we wasted a lot of money on the other stickers because Chris got ripped off. I mean, if yall want to compromise and say like ok we want 10 smaller ones for the front windshield that are outlined in blue - then ok. But just getting one is going to get costly.
i miss james's penis! the best dick i ever ate! some give it to me quick, but wait i can't have it, cause i've got my sisters dick in my mouth
my personal opinion is that we just keep these i really like the way that they look (not like other peoples) and Kristis right getting another color on it is going to be $$$$and we dont have that kinda money to be throwing around...and this has nothing to do with the drawings i think they are great but ive always liked the ones we have now....just my .02
i'm really cool cause collins is helping me with my account cause its being ghey.
if it is a money issue then why not let the individual person go to the printer we get our things from and do the customizing that they want and pay for it out of there own pocket? i for one like justins idea bout having the sticker outlined in the color of the car...so i think we shoudl do that but leave it up to the individual person on the customizing that they want to do and for them to pay for it on their own
lol im not tryin to start any revolution...d's right tho. why not leave it up to the person gettn it to pay outta their pocket for the outline or not. i just felt like it was more noticeable with the outline but youre right kristi. it would cost some $$ for that but yeah...thats my .02
I agree with TWKG and berries up there... money is tight in the crew, ALSO MAKE SURE YOU PAY YOUR DUES! if someone wants one let'm customize that shizzy
Pilot of the Touge Tickler
Prince of all that is NISMO
see the problem with everyone paying for their own would be no one would have stickers at all... getting a sticker made (just one) is really expensive...i mean if youve got the money then do what you want but not everyone has the money to waste
i'm really cool cause collins is helping me with my account cause its being ghey.
idea!!!! since we all have our own opinions and a lot of have different views on the stickers, what if we... take this list and the current logo to one place and set it to only we can have them made and have each member decide how they want their logo to be on their car...
i think i can set this up fairly cheaply but with quality work
You only live once, maybe twice if you use the e-brake.