Well after stopping by the dead target meet, Heather, Joe (sniperjoe), Pat(Deafpimp), and Myself decided to go to Jock N Jills.. Mike(Vteckidd) also joined us a bit later in the night. Heather started the night: "I'm not drinking"... well 2 pitchers later (and lots of mention of head) this is what I got out of her (famous quote of heather)
-"3 way, tried it" -But I was drinking so it doesnt count" -"You gatta ride me? Shouldnt it be the other way around" -"Reverse Cowgirl" -"Hood ornament on the short bus to hell" -"Hooked on phonics didnt work" -"Anything I hold comes out wrong" -"I did poke myself in the eye earlier" -"I am sometimes, I live in millidgeville" -"Look the bananas walking across the street" -"They're touching, leave me alone" -"you know technically an orgie is two or more people in their room with their shoes off" -"You know I would like to have sex in the back of a cop car" -"If you cant duck it, **** it" -"You know I have those stories, I went to band camp -"No I played trumpet" -"You can do alot of good stuff with a light saber, and it doesnt talk back to you after sex" -"Im always horny" -"I have a date with my hand tonight" -"Cause i talk without thinking and then i swallow my foot" -"I dont swallon anything, men arn't that worthy" -"what? I dont suck EVERYTHING" -"I make an ass of myself on a daily basis" -"Maybe later too many people around" -"The thumb would be a new one"
By the way... happy early b-day heather.. let the embaressment begin!!! (I had a great time with the four of you guys.. we should hang again soon) -Ren